Lydia Silvestri
mostre personali
Lydia Silvestri
1961 "Drawings" – Alleance Francaise, Hong Kong
Sculture - Sondrio
M. Palmer – "Display of sketches and Photographs ", South China Morning Post, HongKong 1959
«Miss Lydia Silvetri, internationally knows sculptress and artist in mosaic, yesterday met members of the Alleance Francaise at the Hongkong club, where sketches and photographs of her work were displayed.
She has recently returned from England and America, where she held exhibitions, including one at the Grosvenor Gallery, London, with work of a group - Henry Moore, Picasso, Matisse and others. She also showed at the Feingarten Gallery, New York.
Miss Silvestri was born in Northern Italy and trained at the famous Brera academy in Mila. She won the first prize for sculptures in a national competition and exhibited in the 1956 Quadriennale in Rome and the 1956 Biennale in Venice, as well as in Milan.
She said yesterday that she much enjoyed her work at the Academy of Art in Bath, in England, where she was invited to teach after her work had been seen at an exhibition in Italy.
Amongst the photographs shown at the Club yesterday were examples of the artist's abstracts in bronze, fine mosaics of vast size which she has created in traditional designs in churches, and sketches of her sculptures.
Much of this work is in important Europeans collections and Miss Silvestri has collaborated also with many architects in the decoration of modern buildings, in which she specialises.
She said she was impressed by the beauty and vitality of HongKong, where she hope to stay for some months, after which she would return to her villa on Lake Como, where she has her studio.»
M. Palmer

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Lydia Silvestri